Some more examples

In order to illustrate general bidding theory from the point of view of one hand only, the hand macro can be used. The following layout, heavily used in [2],

♠  AKJ42 

♥ AK9
♦ T832
♣ T

 West 		North 		East 		 South

– 1 ♠ no 1NT
2tex2html_wrap_inline&clubs#clubsuit; ?
is obtained via
-- \> 1\s\> no \> 1NT \\
2\c\> ?
For issues related to defense play one often displays only the dummy hand and your own hand. The following example — layout and text — is from [1].

♠  AJ632 

♥ 43
♦ KQ7
♣ A85

♠  985 

♥ 852
♦ AJ5
♣ KQT3

 West 		North 		East 		 South

1 ♠ no 2 ♥ no
2NT no 4 ♥ a.p.
Against 4 ♥ South starts tex2html_wrap_inline&clubs#clubsuit;K, taken with tex2html_wrap_inline&clubs#clubsuit;A. Leader continues ♥AKQ. On the third round of ♥'s, partner discards tex2html_wrap_inline&diams#diamondsuit;9 (indicates interest in ♠). Leader continues with tex2html_wrap_inline&diams#diamondsuit;2, how do you continue?
The example is obtained via
1\s\> no \> 2\h \> no\\
2NT\> no \> 4\h \> a.p.
Remark In a similar way W–N, N–E, E–S hands, or W–E, N–S hands, or one hand only, with NESW diagram, can be displayed simply by a suitable call of crdima.

Finally, an endplay — positional squeeze — from [4] is given.

♠  AJ 

♥ K
♦ –
♣ –
S leads tex2html_wrap_inline&clubs#clubsuit;A

♠  KQ 

♥ A
♦ –
♣ –

♠  7 

♥ 9
♦ T
♣ –

♠  2 

♥ 4
♦ –
♣ A
The example is obtained via
\crdima{}{S leads \c A}%